Creating a project management board (Kanban style) with access services in sharepoint and reporting services

Something I need to spend some time on and have a closer look.

WSantos's Blog


I had been reading about Kanban and how to apply it to a software maintenance team when Microsoft released all their new software, including Sharepoint 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

I thought it would be a good idea to build a Kanban board using Sharepoint, Access Services and SQL Server Reporting Services – this would give me something objective to do with the new tools.

Don’t take this as a recommendation or best practice, but rather as a proof-of-concept.

If you already have a project management system / task list / bug database available, you can use it as the source of the Kanban / SCRUM board. To avoid ‘religious’ discussions, I won’t compare Kanban to SCRUM or any other specific technique – I only want to show you how the tools can help you build whatever you decide is best for your team.

And thought Access has…

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How to learn SQL using MS Access

Salient Why

I have a lot of ideas for articles I would like to publish that reveal some of the more useful data-analytical techniques I have learned over past five years. But some of them require using SQL and I considered it may be useful to share how I started with this powerful language. I suppose this article may be most useful to anyone who is familiar with writing queries in Microsoft Access but does not know SQL.

Why use Access: getting past Excel

First off, if you like modelling data in Excel but do not use Access, branch into Access. It has vast advantages over Excel in some ways; one of its best advantages is being able to apply more structure to data-intensive modelling solutions, adding rigour to the calculation process. I once worked with a guy from finance who was pretty decent with Excel, but after spending a couple hours with me he…

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Access Tips: The NotInList Event – []


It’s All About Usability

One of the most important tasks for the database designer is to prevent “bad” data getting into the database. Bad data can happen because the user might not know what they should enter into a field or what restrictions might apply, or perhaps they just make a typo.

One way to help prevent bad data is to make the job of entering data as easy as possible for the user. Make it obvious what the user has to do and they don’t have to guess and risk getting it wrong. Make it easy to do the job and the user is less likely to make a mistake and enter something they didn’t mean.

In short, the database designer’s job is to make their database usable.

The Benefits of Combo Boxes

A favourite tool for helping the user in their task is the combo box. This familiar tool consists of a text box to which is attached a list of possible entries, and is recognised by the button showing a downward pointing arrow. They are often referred to as drop-down or pull-down lists but we propellorheads call them combo boxes (the name indicating that they are a combination of a text box and a list box).

The combo box can be used anywhere you would use a text box where it is possible to provide a list of acceptable entries. They are most commonly used for text entries but can equally be used for numbers or dates.

Combo boxes help the user because they can offer a number of possible entries, but their functionality goes further than this. The database designer can specify whether or not the the user can make an entry that is not contained in the list. If the Limit To List property of the combo box is set to No the user is permitted to make any entry they choose (unless the Validation Rule property, or the properties of the underlying field, impose any additional restriction). But if the Limit To List property is set to Yes the form will not accept any entry for that field other than those included on the list. This lets you be absolutely certain that nothing will get entered into the field unless it is an acceptable entry.

via Access Tips: The NotInList Event.

Access et SharePoint : une association vraiment efficace , The Mit’s Blog []

On a toujours sous estimé les capacités de développement avec Access.

Son requéteur, son wyzard de formulaire et je ne parle même pas de l’outil de reporting font d’Access un des meilleurs outil de RAD que je connaisse

Mais Access 2003 a évolué le rendant désormais bien plus communiquant !

La connectivité native SharePoint/Access en est un bon exemple : Access est ainsi un trés bonne plateforme cliente pour faire des applications trés riche basées sur les espaces collaboratifs de SharePoint.

via Access et SharePoint : une association vraiment efficace , The Mit’s Blog.

How to Write VBA Code to Access Calendar Data in Microsoft Outlook []

Got an idea for automating a process that references an Outlook calendar? Here’s how to do it using VBA, Microsoft Office’s built-in scripting language.

In this example, we will access a calendar named “Cox”. It is located in the “My Calendars” folder of my Outlook application. 

via How to Write VBA Code to Access Calendar Data in Microsoft Outlook.

Connexion ODBC

Connexion ODBC

Avec ce tutoriel, j’ai essayé de mettre par écrit mon expérience d’utilisateur/programmeur dans le domaine des connexions ODBC.

Par le biais d’ODBC il est possible à Access d’accéder à des données d’autres sources, telles des SGBD comme Oracle, MySQL, ou SQL Server, pour les plus connus.

On élargit ainsi le champ d’action d’une application développée avec Access en lui permettant d’accéder aux données d’un serveur de base de données.

Il suffit pour cela de disposer du pilote ODBC adéquat.

via Connexion ODBC.